Mid-Atlantic Steel Framing Alliance
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MASFA's Dinner Meeting - How CFS is Helping Shape the Future in Data Centers
Thursday, June 06, 2024, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Category: Education

MASFA''s Get Fired Up for Firestop! - March 14, 2024

Unfortunately we are at capacity and no longer accepting anymore registrations for our June 6th event. Please do not show up the day of the event as “walk-ins” since we will have to turn folks away due being at capacity.

Andrew Newland, P.E., Principal
ADTEK Engineers, Inc.
Continuing Education Credits Available: 1.0 Engineering PDH Credits

Agenda Highlights: Data Centers are becoming increasingly prevalent in the Mid-Atlantic and nationwide. Cold-formed steel framing and cold-formed steel strut members have become integral pieces in the construction of the data centers. This presentation will discuss the nuances of the use of interior and exterior cold-formed steel framing in data centers as well as structural ceiling supports using strut systems. We will discuss what does and does not need to be engineered and give you the tools you need for a successful data center project.

MASFA is offering this education and networking opportunity to help you succeed.

Location Maggiano’s Little Italy, Tyson’s Corner
2001 International Drive
McLean, VA

Phone: 703-356-9000
Attendance Cost $50 for MASFA members/$60 for non-members pre-registered by May 30; $65 for members and non-members after May 30; and $85 for any attendee payable at door (space permitting).  No refunds will be provided after May 30, 2024.
Sponsorship Cost $250 which includes one dinner, a tabletop to display your company’s products/services, listings in event promotional material (including mailings), and an opportunity to speak to the group for five minutes.
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